We install and service fire alarms and fire extinguishers throughout North Wales and Chester.

We install and service fire alarms and have offices in North Wales and Chester ,where we are focused on putting our clients safety first and helping yourself as a business owner and employer protect your staff and business from any fire risks.

Under the regulatory reform ( safety order) 2005 the person responsible for the building ,must make sure the fire alarm is serviced and maintained and is working satisfactorily. We understand your requirements making sure you are compliant in the latest fire safety regulations.

We also offer a free site survey of your business premises We can help clearly understand your obligations and help you with all your compliance requirements.. Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 

What we can do is offer a complete fire protection solution.

North Wales fire alarms

Fire alarms installed in North Wales

Our clients: Hotels, offices, shops, HMO’s,  and public houses. All our clients benefit from expert in  house with our high skill level and passion for excellence in everything that we do. Services we offer Fire alarmsFire extinguishers and fire risk assessments.

We also provide a 24/7 call out service for the many North Wales businesses and respond within the hour.You may have smoke detectors in your home.You must make sure batteries are replaced and tested monthly.In all homes must have working smoke detectors, also battery operated carbon monoxide detectors must be installed in all rented accommodation.You can get baatery operated smoke detectors from the local fire authority..

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