Texecom Intruder Alarms

Wireless and hard wired intruder and burglar alarms.

Peace of mind home security You’re far less likely to become a victim of burglary if you have a burglar alarm system.

Texecom intruder alarms

Texecom wireless intruder alarm systems: Are used to greatly minimize any upheaval to your home and business using radio signals and can save on labour costs and reduce time of installation.

Texecom hard wired intruder alarms: Are used if you have easy access to the building fabric ceiling voids etc .and can be installed just as easy as wireless by our team of experts and also maybe required to be installed to comply with your insurance requirements.

Crime is now everywhere as can be burglary our burglar alarms act as a deterrent to any potential burglar. They can protect  your home and business 24/7 .preventing any crime taking place and stop any possible trauma and loss of your personal possessions. We have a wireless intruder alarm and a hard wired intruder alarm system. All our security systems can be monitored. we will contact you and any key holders if your security system is triggered You can monitor your security system from any device from your smart phone, tablet or computer. We have the latest technology this will stop you being the victim of any crime. All our consultants can come to your home or business and offer free advice on the very best way to protect your premises. To arrange a visit.